Serie 900
Oil and Acryl mottler's, "Synthetic golden sable" hair, tin rimmed bands, short dark blue polished handles.

From Number 5'' to 6'' with unpolished handles.
No. 1'' 1 1/2'' 2'' 2 1/2'' 3'' 4'' 5'' 6''
diameter/width (mm) 25 37 50 62 75 100 125 150
P.U. 12 6 6 6 6 6 3 1

Serie 902
Oil and Acryl mottler's, stiff brown superelastic synthetic hair, tin rimmed bands, short white polished handles.

From Number 5'' to 6'' with unpolished handles.
No. 1'' 1 1/2'' 2'' 2 1/2'' 3'' 4'' 5'' 6''
diameter/width (mm) 25 37 50 62 75 100 125 150
P.U. 12 6 6 6 6 6 3 1

Serie 903
"kolibri-Effect brush" Ideally suited for large areas.

Extraordinary elasticity and very stiff synthetic fibres Brushes with a great colour absorption capacity.

Finest tips give you a guarantee for interesting creations.

From size 5'' until 6'' with unpolished handles.
No. 1/2'' 1'' 1 1/2'' 2'' 2 1/2'' 3'' 4'' 5'' 6''
diameter/width (mm) 13 25 37 50 62 75 100 125 150
P.U. 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1

Serie 904
Flat varnish brushes, soft and very elastic synthetic hair, double thickness, nickel plated rim bands, natural polished handles.
No. 1/2'' 3/4'' 1'' 1 1/2'' 2''
diameter/width (mm) 13 18 25 37 50
P.U. 12 12 12 6 6

Serie 910
Flat lacquer brushes, extra short hair, pony hair mixture, tin rimmed bands, unpolished handles.
No. 1/2'' 3/4'' 1'' 1 1/2'' 2'' 2 1/2'' 3'' 4'' 5'' 6''
diameter/width (mm) 13 18 25 37 50 62 75 100 125 150
P.U. 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 3 3

Serie 910ZHW
Wide brushes for Arts and Crafts, pure white goat hair, tin rimmed bands, unpolished handles.

Larger sizes available on request.
No. 1/2'' 3/4'' 1'' 1 1/2'' 2'' 2 1/2'' 3'' 4''
diameter/width (mm) 13 18 25 37 50 62 75 100
P.U. 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6

Serie 914
Flat lacquer brushes, double thickness, pony hair mixture, nickel plated rim bands, natural polished handles.
No. 1/2'' 3/4'' 1'' 1 1/2'' 2'' 2 1/2'' 3''
diameter/width (mm) 13 18 25 37 50 62 75
P.U. 12 12 12 6 6 6 6

Serie 920
Flat lacquer brushes, squirrel hair, tin rimmed bands, unpolished handles.
No. 1/2'' 3/4'' 1'' 1 1/2'' 2''
diameter/width (mm) 13 18 25 37 50
P.U. 12 12 12 6 6

Serie 930
Flat lacquer brushes, black ox ear hair, tin rimmed bands, unpolished handles.
No. 1/2'' 3/4'' 1'' 1 1/2'' 2'' 2 1/2'' 3''
diameter/width (mm) 13 18 25 37 50 62 75
P.U. 12 12 12 6 6 6 6

Serie 2530
Varnish brushes, thickness VI., light hog bristles, tin rimmed bands, polished handles.
No. 1'' 1 1/2'' 2'' 2 1/2'' 3'' 4''
diameter/width (mm) 25 37 50 62 75 100
P.U. 12 12 12 12 12 12

Serie 2590
Varnish brushes, thickness VI., black hog bristles, tin rimmed bands, polished handles.
No. 1'' 1 1/2'' 2'' 2 1/2'' 3'' 4''
diameter/width (mm) 25 37 50 62 75 100
P.U. 12 12 12 12 12 12

Serie 2840
Varnish brushes, simple thickness, white hog bristles, tin rimmed bands, unpolished handles.
No. 1/2'' 3/4'' 1'' 1 1/2'' 2'' 2 1/2'' 3'' 4''
diameter/width (mm) 12 18 25 37 50 62 75 100
P.U. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6

Serie 2940
Varnish brushes, extra short bristle length, so called "mottlers", white hog bristles, tin rimmed bands, short unpolished handles.
No. 1/2'' 3/4'' 1'' 1 1/2'' 2'' 2 1/2'' 3'' 4'' 5'' 6''
diameter/width (mm) 12 18 25 37 50 62 75 100 125 150
P.U. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 3 1

Serie 3040
Bristle Softener, long powerfull light hog bristles, tin rimmed bands, unpolished handles.
No. 1/2'' 1'' 1 1/2'' 2'' 2 1/2'' 3''
diameter/width (mm) 12 25 37 50 62 75
P.U. 12 12 12 12 12 12

Serie 3510
Hobby Varnish brushes, 4. thickness,light hog bristles, nickel rimmed bands, natural polished handles.
No. 20 30 40 50 60
diameter/width (mm) 20 30 40 50 60
P.U. 12 12 12 12 12

Serie 3590
The same brush like # 3510 (above), but with black hog bristles.
No. 20 30 40 50 60
diameter/width (mm) 20 30 40 50 60
P.U. 12 12 12 12 12

Serie 3050
Badger Softeners, pure selected badger hair, acrylic-glass back, cherry red polished handles.
No. 2'' 3'' 4''
diameter/width (mm) 50 75 100
P.U. 1 1 1

Serie 3051
Bristle Softeners, real light Chungking Bristle, length 70 mm, acrylic-glass back, cherry red polished handles.
No. 2'' 3'' 4''
diameter/width (mm) 50 75 100
P.U. 1 1 1

Serie 1500
Gilder tips to coat on silver leafs or similar materials, white hog bristles glued in green cardboard.
Visible hair length for all sizes 38 mm.
No. 1 '' 1 1/2'' 2'' 2 1/2'' 3'' 3 1/2'' 4''
diameter/width (mm) 25 37 50 62 75 87 100
P.U. 6 6 6 3 3 3 3

Serie 1520
Gilder tips, pure Russian squirrel hair, glued in cardboard.
Visible hair length for all sizes 40 mm.
No. 1 '' 1 1/2'' 2'' 2 1/2'' 3'' 3 1/2'' 4''
diameter/width (mm) 25 37 50 62 75 87 100
P.U. 6 6 6 3 3 3 3

Serie 1525
The same brush like # 1520 (above), but with longer hair.
Visible hair length for all sizes 60 mm.
No. 1 '' 1 1/2'' 2'' 2 1/2'' 3'' 3 1/2'' 4''
diameter/width (mm) 25 37 50 62 75 87 100
P.U. 6 6 6 3 3 3 3

Serie 3800
Overgreiner, white Chungking hog bristles, tin ferrules, unpolished handles. For wood-veining.
No. 1'' 1 1/2'' 2'' 2 1/2'' 3''
diameter/width (mm) 25 38 50 63 75
P.U. 12 6 6 3 3

Serie 1335/01
Dusting brushes, light ox ear hair, natural varnished handles.
No. 1
P.U. 1

Serie 1308
Fan brushes, "Synthetic golden sable" hair, Silver ferrules, short dark blue polished handles.
No. 2 4 6 8
P.U. 12 12 12 6

Serie 1309
The same brush like # 1308 (above), but with long handles.
No. 2 4 6 8
P.U. 12 12 12 6

Serie 1449
Fan brushes expecially for Oil and Acrylic Painting, synthetic hair with a high level of elasticity and very good shape retention, Silver ferrules, long walnut brown polished handles.
No. 2 4 6 8
P.U. 12 12 12 6

Serie 1379
Fan brushes, finest badger hair, Silver ferrules, long ivory polished handles.
No. 2 4 6 8
P.U. 12 12 12 6

Serie 3018
Fan brushes, white hog bristles, Silver ferrules, short black polished handles.
No. 2 4 6 8
P.U. 12 12 12 6

Serie 3019
The same brush like # 3018 (above), but with ivory polished long handles.
No. 2 4 6 8
P.U. 12 12 12 6

Serie 1349
Fan brush, dark brown ox ear hair, Silver ferrules, long walnut polished handles.
No. 2 4 6 8
P.U. 12 12 12 6

Serie 3088
Fan brushes, pure red sable hair, Silver ferrules, short black polished handles.
No. 2 4 6 8
P.U. 6 6 6 6

Serie 3089
The same brushes like # 3088 (above), but with long handles.
No. 2 4 6 8
P.U. 6 6 6 6

Serie 3029
Fan brushes, pure Russian squirrel hair, Silver ferrules, long black polished handles.
No. 2 4 6 8
P.U. 12 12 12 6

Serie KTA0022
Fan brushes, very strong inlaided white Chunking hog bristles, Silver ferrules, long mintgreen polished handles.
No. 2 4 6 8
P.U. 12 12 12 6